Nomadic Samuel

My story starts off a little different than what you´ll most likely read on your typical travel blog. I don´t really in particular have an ´escape from the cubicle tale´ in the sense that I´ve never been in one before. The story of my ´nomadic life´ is one in which I have yet to work in Canada as a post university graduate with the majority of my 20´s having been spent overseas in Asia working as an expat English teacher, model, photographer, freelance writer and – of course – as a wandering nomadic soul completely infatuated by all the splendor and woe longterm travel has to offer an individual. I´m a bit of a jack of all trades and a man who wears many hats – the kind of individual that doesn´t like to stay in any one place for any serious length of time.
I´m thrilled that you have taken the time to check out my website. I hope that it offers the kind of travel photos/videos, quirky travel stories and photography tips that will tickle your fancy. In my opinion, travel is filled with moments of splendor and moments of woe and I hope to capture both sides of the coin – at times not afraid to touch upon subjects that are off limits to others.

Reborn Koala

A deeply proud Yorkshireboy who has lived and worked in London for five years.

I’ve spent the last twelve years studying and working at being an architect slash designer slash 3D artist slash manager-type. Last spring the corporate shitness of everything I was doing hit me like a sledgehammer. I hated it, piece by piece it was extracting my soul, all-nighter after all-nighter was turning me into a living flatliner.

This blog is about what happened next and what is still happening now, I quit my job, I went to work with Orangutans and I lost the love of my life after 5 years.

It’s been a wine fueled, incredible, heart breaking time and I’ve barely got close to finding out what I’m going to do with the rest of my life, in 18 months I hope to be on the road to the dream, or at least the muddy little path.

This much I do know, I’m leaving London in May for a year and I’ll be taking a mazy route around the world. I’ll be armed with a camera, lots of brightly coloured pants and a dreadful sense of direction. Aside from knowing I want to do everything I’ve never done before, I know little else, any advice and knowledge about the best bits will be gladly recieved.

No Baggage Challenge

In late August of 2010, travel writer Rolf Potts embarked on a trip that is taking him around the world without using a single piece of luggage. For six weeks he will be exploring 12 countries on five continents, crossing the equator four times, without carrying so much as a man-purse. The few items he is bringing (including a toothbrush, an iPod, and a few extra items of clothing) are tucked away in his pockets.

This no-baggage adventure is more than a stunt to see if such a thing can be done: At a time when intensified travel-stresses and increased luggage fees are grabbing headlines, it’s an experiment to determine how much we really need to bring along to have the trip of a lifetime.

What items, if any, are essential to the enjoyment of a journey to other countries? How does traveling light make a trip cheaper, simpler or easier (or more difficult)? What lessons from this no-baggage adventure might apply to day-to-day life — both on the road and at home?

In addition to posting text and videos about his no-baggage adventures, Rolf will examine the philosophical issues behind the art of traveling (and living) light as he circles the globe.

The Traveling Philosopher

Sup! Spence here, though Spencer M. Spellman is what my passport says. I’m a Freelance Travel Writer, who since flying by myself for the first time at age 8, just hasn’t been able to kick the travel addiction. What can I say? I’m a junkie. Growing up in the deep south, my southern drawl is my most distinguishing characteristic, no matter how hard I try to mask it on Twitter. Sometimes I like to say things like “holla”, “pimpin” and “playa”, but that front goes right out the window when you meet me in 3-D. I first started out in the travel industry as an Editor for travel guide publisher 10Best. I wrote, edited and managed 10Best’s social media and digital travel guide content for over 450 metros worldwide. I left 10Best to become a Freelance Travel Writer. I’m a regular contributor for multiple websites and publications, with my writing appearing for CheapOair, NileGuide, Uptake, AOL Travel, BootsnAll and the Matador Network. My travels have taken him from zip lining the rainforests of St. Lucia, to eating alligator tail in the Florida swamps to Vienna sausage eating contests in South Africa.

So that’s the travel part; so now what about the philosophy part? My first class in college was a Philosophy class, which I took for the sole reason that the class syllabus included watching several movies. I was sold when in the class description I saw “Bladerunner”. Unbeknownst to me, this involved watching the movies out of class, rather than in class. This got college off on the wrong foot. After a tumultuous relationship with my education major, I switched majors during my senior year to Philosophy, completing all of the course requirements in a year to graduate. I maintain that this was one of the best decisions I ever made. So I didn’t make myself marketable with my degree?! How many people actually use their bachelor’s degree in their career field?


After spending the last 7 years of my life working in unfulfilling 9 – to – 5 office jobs, I decided that it was time for a change. I was tired of spending most of my time doing tasks that had no meaning for me while I daydreamed of a more exciting life. Like most of my friends and colleagues, I dreaded the feeling of apprehension that grew inside me every Sunday evening when the start of another week was looming ahead.

On December 2010, I finally took the leap and escaped the rat race. I left my job, gave up my flat in beautiful Barcelona, took my 2 lovely cats to Berlin to stay with my ex-boyfriend, said goodbye to my good friends and embarked on this nomadic journey. My goal is to travel for at least 18 months to explore different alternatives that will help me find a new occupation. Along the way, I plan to volunteer with Helpx and WWOOF, discover new music, take beautiful photos and learn about local cuisines among other things.

Exile Lifestyle

I’m Colin Wright; welcome to Exile Lifestyle! A quick bit about me and what I’m up to on this site and in life: I move to a new country every 4 months. My readers vote on where I move, and I do my best to learn all I can about the place where I’m living (while also running my businesses and having a life). At the behest of my readership, I’m currently living in Reykjavik, Iceland. [...] Before I left Los Angeles, I sold everything I owned which didn’t fit into a carry-on bag. My apartment, car, many computers (*sob*), and the vast majority of my wardrobe are all gone. When I moved to Argentina, I got down to about 70 things and now I’m at around 50 things that I own in the whole, wide world.
Minimalism is many things to me – a philosophy, a lifestyle choice and an experiment.
Keep in mind that the point is not getting down to the bare minimum, it’s about streamlining and refocusing your resources on the things you’re most passionate about.
My extreme case of ‘stuff reduction’ is just an experiment, to see which possessions I can live without and for how long; the real purpose is to reduce the worthless while increasing the amount of value I’m able to put out and happiness I’m able to experience.

Legal Nomads

After 5+ years of working as a corporate lawyer to save up for round-the-world travel, I finally embarked upon the trip of a lifetime on April 1, 2008. Thus far, I’ve traipsed through South America and then moved on to South Africa, Russia, Mongolia and China, writing all the way. After several months in each of the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia, I spent 6 weeks in Burma (Myanmar) and 3 months in Bangkok, Thailand during its tumultuous protest-filled spring.

Coming back to North America in the summer of 2010, I had a chance to explore the Dominican Republic, take a whirlwind trip through South America and catch up with friends and family in between my travels. 2011 began with a flight back to Asia, a continent I love (where the food is cheap and delicious, and the clothes fit me!).

People often ask if my travels have been fulfilling, or if I regretted taking off. In my ”Why IQuit Travel the World" post I wrote about moments of overwhelming happiness on this trip. That’s not to say every day has been perfect, but on the whole I have been lucky enough to explore some extraordinary countries, meet terrific new friends and eat as much food as possible. That’s not to say that ravek fixes everything - it doesn't. But if I was bored, or unhappy with my travels I would have gone home. Instead, I have remained excited to visit new destinations and see new sights. And travel has also helped me keep life in perspective in the long and short term.

Traveling Canucks

The Traveling Canucks are Nicole and Cameron Wears, a married couple living in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia on the west coast of Canada.

Travel and adventure is a common passion that has always played an important role in our lives. Our exposure to travel began at young ages, with Cameron living in Nairobi, Kenya at age 12 and Nicole backpacking around Europe at age 19. After living in Malaysia in 2004 and exploring SE Asia, we caught the travel bug and have since developed a slight addiction to world exploration.

We consider ourselves very fortunate to have traveled to over 50 countries together in the past 7 years, fulfilling many of our life goals and dreams along the way.

In January of 2009 we made a bold move. We traded our great jobs for a backpack and a long checklist, which has proven to be one of the greatest decisions we’ve ever made. That life changing adventure was the inspiration for creating this travel blog, to share our travels and experiences.

Almost Fearless

Almost Fearless — that’s what my husband jokingly called me in 2008 when I decided, ever so tentatively, to quit my cushy corporate job in order to travel full time and start my career over again at 31 — this time as a writer, a photographer, a blogger, a documentary filmmaker and whatever other -er titles I could dream up.

The truth is, I didn’t feel fearless at all. I felt like I was free-falling, untethered, sucking in air as the ground rushed up towards me and then… it was all different. Against all odds, I pieced together a creative career. I’m not the best writer or photographer or blogger even, but somehow, out of pure necessity (and the hubris to never give up), it has become my life. Then in the fall of 2010, my husband was laid off from his job and I became the primary bread winner. It scares the hell out of me, and yet, it’s working.

Oh, and in March of 2010, we had a baby. Now we travel around the world avec l’enfant and it feels just as reckless and idiotic as when I turned in my notice at GE.

So what is this blog about? It’s about travel. It’s about creating a life that works for you. It’s about the fact that life is indeed bloody short and no one is going to give you a gold star for playing it safe. It’s about me, my husband and our adorable little bubba. And some people tell me, if you’re in the right kind of mood (or perhaps looking for your own escape hatch), that it’s about you too.

1 Dad, 1 Kid, 1 Crazy Adventure

I’m a single parent, hospice chaplain, Zen monk, ultra runner, snowshoer, endurance cyclist, certified endurance running coach, photographer, and lover of travelling, languages, and cultures.

Years ago when I was a young adult, I had a dream of raising my children in foreign countries and having them experience this amazing, large world. After years of working in intensive care, trauma, and with the dying, my family & life motto became Vivez sans regrets!(Live without regrets!) In that tradition, I decided now was the time to take my dream and make it a reality. To that end, in June 2011 I’ll be leaving my traditional work life and embarking on a round-the-world trip with my 9-year-old son (aka Tigger) followed by a move to Chiang Mai, Thailand. We’ll stay there for about a year and then we’ll decide what form the adventure takes next. Naturally, we’ll continue to explore the world from our Asian home base. I’ll be homeschooling Tigger, teaching languages, writing, photographing, and doing online and other work along the way.