1 Dad, 1 Kid, 1 Crazy Adventure


I’m a single parent, hospice chaplain, Zen monk, ultra runner, snowshoer, endurance cyclist, certified endurance running coach, photographer, and lover of travelling, languages, and cultures.

Years ago when I was a young adult, I had a dream of raising my children in foreign countries and having them experience this amazing, large world. After years of working in intensive care, trauma, and with the dying, my family & life motto became Vivez sans regrets!(Live without regrets!) In that tradition, I decided now was the time to take my dream and make it a reality. To that end, in June 2011 I’ll be leaving my traditional work life and embarking on a round-the-world trip with my 9-year-old son (aka Tigger) followed by a move to Chiang Mai, Thailand. We’ll stay there for about a year and then we’ll decide what form the adventure takes next. Naturally, we’ll continue to explore the world from our Asian home base. I’ll be homeschooling Tigger, teaching languages, writing, photographing, and doing online and other work along the way.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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